腹腔鏡氣體栓塞案:醫療民事責任之構成要件與爭點整理【學習式判解評析】 試閱
Case about Arterial Gas Embolism during Thoracoscopic Surgery: Constituent Elements and Issues Coordination in Medical Civil Liability
Types of medical negligence are diverse and complex. Courts are bound by professional constraints, and it is inevitably difficult to focus in the discovery process. However, in addition to negligence, causation is a critical element in determining liability for damages. Even if there is negligence in medical treatment, there must still be a significant causal relationship between the negligence and the harm suffered by the patient before the medical provider can be held liable for damages. In a case such as this, where the proximate cause of the medical harm is a rare and unique medical event (gas embolism), the court’s evidentiary inquiry can be approached through the lens of causation, filtering out irrelevant issues and quickly focusing on the core medical issues.