兼顧科學與敘事的專業知識可改善無法避免的醫病衝突【實務講座】 試閱
Improving the Inevitable Doctor-Patient Dispute by Combining Scientific and Narrative Knowledge
This article tries to draw attention to inspect the legal methodologies of legal positivism, legal phenomenology, and legal ontology based on the knowledge of professional learning. It is hoped that the wonder of physician professional arrogance can be solved and the essence of certain inevitable conflicts can be managed. Scientific knowledge does not represent the whole of knowledge, and it is always in competition and conflict with narrative knowledge. Scientific knowledge despises narrative knowledge, but if scientific knowledge does not appeal on bases of narrative knowledge, it cannot be recognized that it is true knowledge. Only by understanding the indispensability of knowledge, we must take both measures into consideration, and only when realizing that there are conflict existed, it is possible to improve the current status of disputes that are so hard to be resolved.