
從兒童權利公約談代理孕母之修法【醫法新論】   試閱


Discussion of Surrogacy from the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child




The debates of the legalization of surrogacy has been going on for over two decades in Taiwan, and it has a profound social and legal impact on children, a key stakeholder in surrogacy. The Taiwanese government implemented the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) in 2014, which requires the government to improve policies and procedures. This paper discusses children’s rights in surrogacy from the perspective of the UNCRC, and its implications to domestic laws. Before legalizing surrogacy, the most common and urgent issue for the government is cross-border surrogacy, in which children’s identity, nationality and citizenship could be problematic due to different ways of recognition of a parent-child relationship among countries. Taiwanese government should improve the regulations to avoid abandonment. Also, ensuring Children’s right to access birth information has a long-term impact on the child’s mental and physical health. Hence, this paper argues that no matter government’s position on surrogacy, the government should establish laws to protect the rights of children born in this way and consider the different impacts caused by various surrogacy systems as best interests of children shall be a primary consideration. The discussion of surrogacy should not be limited to the Assisted Reproduction Act. The government needs to amend the Civil Code, the Nationality Act, the Protection of Children and Youths Welfare and Rights Act, and the Human Trafficking Prevention Act to protect children’s rights. Lastly, this paper discusses the legalization of surrogacy in Taiwan.




10.53106/241553062023040078012  複製DOI  DOI查詢


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