查詢結果:共有 7 筆符合條件的資料
序號 | 篇名 | 作者 | 日期 | 期刊 |
1 | 對運動產業捐贈、投資或聘僱運動員之節稅效益 Tax-Saving Benefits to the Sports Industry Donation, Investment or Hire Athletes |
張曉芬 | 2025/02 | 月旦財稅實務釋評 |
2 | 403地震災害損失之九大稅捐減免全覽【月旦時論】 A Comprehensive Overview of the Nine Major Tax Deductions and Exemptions for Earthquake Disaster Losses |
張曉芬 | 2024/05 | 月旦財稅實務釋評 |
3 | 民法下修18歲為成年,牽動哪些稅法實務及影響?【月旦時論】 Under the Civil Code, 18 Years of Age Will Be Considered an Adult, What Are the Practices and Impacts of Tax Laws Involved? |
張曉芬 | 2023/01 | 月旦財稅實務釋評 |
4 | 稅捐稽徵法修法綜評【月旦時論】 Comprehensive Commentary on the Amendment of the Tax Collection Act |
張曉芬 | 2022/03 | 月旦財稅實務釋評 |
5 | 2021年土地稅法暨其施行細則之修正精華與實務應用【月旦時論】 The Revised Essence and Practical Application of the 2021 Land Tax Act and Its Enforcement Rules |
張曉芬 | 2022/02 | 月旦財稅實務釋評 |
6 | 個人出租房屋之所得稅及房屋稅實務解析【月旦時論】 Analysis of Income Tax and House Tax of Personal House for Rent |
張曉芬 | 2020/08 | 月旦財稅實務釋評 |
7 | 藥局兼營銷售貨物之營業稅及所得稅徵納探討【月旦時論】 Discussion on Levy of Business Tax and Income Tax for Pharmacy Concurrently Selling Goods |
張曉芬 | 2020/04 | 月旦財稅實務釋評 |