非法執行醫療業務案:護理人員法第24條與密醫罪之關係【學習式判解評析】 試閱
A Case about Practicing Medical Treatments Illegally:The Relationship between Paragraph 24 Nursing Personnel Act and the Medical Fraud
In the issued case, the physician, without giving any medical treatment personally, instructed the nursing personnel to inject the patient according to the prescription which was based on the former diagnosis. According to the judgment, the medical assistance made by the nursing personnel without any instruction form the physician, and what the physician had done were illegal medical practice according to paragraph 28 of Physicians Act jointly. However, the nursing personnel could come to medical assistance under an instruction from the physician according to the section 2 paragraph 24 of Nursing Personnel Act, and might be free from any punishment according to the condition of section 2 paragraph 28 of Physicians Act. This Essay would analyze and comment the relationship between the medical assistance made by the nursing personnel under the instruction from the physician according to paragraph 24 Nursing Personnel Act and the medical Fraud according to paragraph 28 Physicians Act, and explain why the here issued case doesn’t correspond with it.