疾病始終來自於生活:生活型態醫學與社會處方【本期企劃】 試閱
Disease Always Comes from Life: Lifestyle Medicine and Social Prescriptions
The World Health Organization, national medical schools and medical organizations actively promote lifestyle medicine with the aim of improving the risk of chronic diseases by changing lifestyle patterns. However, there is no consensus on the scope or approach of lifestyle medicine in terms of its effectiveness, and it is not easy to continuously follow up, and it is still difficult to obtain appropriate insurance coverage, which is not conducive to promotion. This study proposes a way to incorporate social prescriptions into the implementation of life-style medicine, echoing the government’s strategy of promoting national health care and prevention is better than cure, and to accumulate the clinical effectiveness of social prescriptions of life-style medicine by piloting practices to establish the basis for future inclusion in health insurance benefits.