健保卡作為政府辨識持卡人身分用途之法律議題:法律保留與個資目的外利用之思考【本期企劃】 試閱
Legal Issues Concerning the Use of National Health Insurance Cards by the Government in Identifying Cardholders: Reflections on Statutory Reservation and the Secondary use of Personal Data
Nowadays the government uses the identification functionof National Health Insurance Card (NHI Card) for purposesincluding selling masks, issuing stimulus vouchersandtracking citizens’ entry/exit records. Whether the notion ofStatutory Reservation should be applied to the aforesaidcircumstances hinges upon whether the government maylawfully identify persons when carrying out the aforesaidaffairs, rather than whether the government may exploitthe identification function of NHI Card. Even if the use ofNHI Card in identifying cardholders by the government hasmet the requirements of Statutory Reservation, the relevantrequirements in respect of using personal data prescribed inthe Personal Data Protection Act (PDPA) shall be observed.Compared with GDPR Article 6(4), the PDPA does nothave sufficient provisions in restricting secondary use ofpersonal data to protect the rights of individuals.