從自主到尊嚴:德沃金安樂死法理學析論【本期企劃】 試閱
From Autonomy to Dignity: On Dworkin’s Jurisprudence of Euthanasia
What is euthanasia? How is euthanasia possible? The American legal philosopher Ronald Dworkin argues that there are three categories on “physician assistedsuicide” discussion: conscious, persistent vegetative state, Alzheimer’s disease. And he claims that there are three euthanasia arguments of autonomy, beneficence, and dignity to elaborate the difference between autonomy, best interests, and sanctity for its moral foundations. For the inherent value or sanctity of life, the most important meaning of Dworkin’s liberal jurisprudence is not to defend both sides in the debate about euthanasia, but to reveal how to take human life as a whole seriously: agree it or not, we all need to think about what is the value of life and how to do is respect life in order to fulfill human dignity.