麻醉醫療糾紛之探討【本期企劃】 試閱
A Discussion on Anesthetic Medical Dispute
Among medical disputes in Taiwan, operation related medical disputes account for the highest proportion, among which surgery, obstetrics and gynecology, and anesthesiology are the most important occurrences. Anesthesia medical practice is one of the five core medical behaviors and should be performed by a physician. In the various anesthesia medical works, the signing of anesthesia consent, the choice of anesthesia method, the recovery from anesthesia, postoperative analgesia, and even the first aid and emergency intubation process may become the source of medical disputes. There are two important issues in the legal issues related to anesthesia medical disputes. One is the responsibility attribution between the anesthesiologist and the other members of the surgical team, especially the surgeon, and the other is the legality of the anesthesia nurse to perform anesthesia. This article will elaborate on these two topics, and briefly summarize the duty of care of anesthesiologists and the prevention of anesthesia medical disputes.