通訊診察治療芻議——由美國墮胎藥之實體診察(In-Person)要求改變談起【醫法新論】 試閱
A Discussion on Medical Diagnosis and Treatment by Telecommunications—Starting from the Changes in Face-To-Face Diagnosis and Treatment Requirements of Abortion Medication in the United States
This article provides a legal analysis and recommendations regarding the regulation of telemedicine in Taiwan. Following COVID-19 pandemic, the use of telemedicine has rised significantly in both Taiwan and the United States. Taiwan’s “Rules of Medical Diagnosis and Treatment by Telecommunications,” amended in 2024 and effective as of July 1, expands the scope of telemedicine applications. However, Article 11 of the Physicians Act, which states that a physician should not “use telecommunications methods to inquire about illness, make diagnoses, issue prescriptions, or provide treatment without personally conducting the diagnosis,” except under specific circumstances such as “in mountain areas, on outlying islands, in remote areas, or under special or urgent circumstances,” has traditionally been interpreted as enforcing the "Physician’s Duty of Diagnosing in Person."Drawing from the evolution of U.S. court rulings on in-person requirements for abortion medication consultations and dispensing, this article argues that the fulfillment of a physician’s duty of care does not depend on the physical co-presence of the physician and the patient.Consequently, this article recommends that the decision on whether telemedicine is appropriate should be left to the professional judgment of physicians, without the need for direct legal restrictions. Recognizing the professional differences between telemedicine and in-person consultations, it is suggested that regulatory authorities collaborate with professional organizations to develop comprehensive telemedicine guidelines. Furthermore, to ensure the quality of healthcare, training and certification systems for telemedicine is supposed to be established within the existing frameworks of medical education, physician examinations, training, and continuing education.