共有 3 筆符合條件的資料
序號 | 篇名 | 作者 | 日期 | 期刊 |
1 | 肌肉鬆弛劑致死案:不作為醫療過失致死之因果歸責【學習式判解評析】 The Muscle Relaxant Case: On the Objective Attribution for the Medical Negligent Homicide by Omission |
林書楷 | 2024/10 | 月旦醫事法報告 |
2 | 說明義務與詐欺罪之交錯:告知說明義務違反與不作為詐欺【學習式判解評析】 The Intersection of Duty of Disclosure and Fraud: Breach of Duty of Disclosure and Fraud by Omission |
林書楷 | 2022/11 | 月旦醫事法報告 |
3 | 負責醫師容留非法執行業務人員案:非法執行醫療業務之參與責任【學習式判解評析】 A Case about a Physician in charge who accepted illegally practicing Personnel: The Criminal Responsibility of the Physician Participating Practicing Medical Treatments Illegally |
林書楷 | 2021/07 | 月旦醫事法報告 |