
共有 646 筆符合條件的資料

序號 篇名 作者 日期 期刊
1 健康人權挑戰與展望簡析【本期企劃】
The Challenges of the Right to Health: A Brief Analysis
吳全峰   2109/08  月旦醫事法報告
2 家屬拒絕病患插管案:關於自主決定權為侵權客體【學習式判解評析】
Intubation Refusal by Patients' Family: Related with Self-Determination as the Object of Tort Liability
楊玉隆   2024/07  月旦醫事法報告
3 改善精神疾病患者之安樂死管控:從比利時看安樂死的刑事法院判決(三)【全球瞭望】
Improving Control over Euthanasia of Persons with Psychiatric Illness: Lessons from the First Belgian Criminal Court Case Concerning Euthanasia(III)
Marc De HertSien LoosSigrid SterckxErik ThysKristof Van Assche胡芮萍   2024/07  月旦醫事法報告
4 真能減肥 ?還是誇大效能 ?——從「減肥筆」案探討醫療廣告宣傳如何避免「誇大不實」【本期企劃】
“Can It Really Help with Weight Loss? Or is It Exaggerating Its Effectiveness?” —Exploring How Medical Advertising Can Avoid “Exaggeration and Misrepresentation” through the Case of the “Slimming Pen”
江皇樺   2024/07  月旦醫事法報告
5 管制藥品仿單外使用爭議案:牛奶針之愛與愁 —論醫師就管制藥品於「仿單外使用」之法律效果【學習式判解評析】
An Issue about Off-Label-Use of Controlled Medicines: The Popularity and the Worry of Propofol— On the Legal Effects of Off-Label Use of Controlled Substance by Physicians
呂寧莉   2024/06  月旦醫事法報告
6 改善精神疾病患者之安樂死管控:從比利時看安樂死的刑事法院判決(二)【全球瞭望】
Improving Control over Euthanasia of Persons with Psychiatric Illness: Lessons from the First Belgian Criminal Court Case Concerning Euthanasia(II)
Marc De HertSien LoosSigrid SterckxErik ThysKristof Van Assche胡芮萍   2024/06  月旦醫事法報告
7 修正刑事訴訟法中身心障礙者近用司法之分析【本期企劃】
Analysis on the Revised Code of Criminal Procedure Regarding Access to Justice for Persons with Disabilities
郭銘禮   2024/06  月旦醫事法報告
8 保障身心障礙者生育人權的未竟之路【本期企劃】
An Unfinished Journey: Obligations to Satisfy the Reproductive Rights of Persons with Disabilities
蘇崇閔李柏翰   2024/06  月旦醫事法報告
9 雇主對身心障礙受僱者合理調整義務之遵循及抗辯【本期企劃】
The Compliance and Defense of Employer Liability in Reasonable Accommodation Duty for the Disabled Employees
焦興鎧   2024/06  月旦醫事法報告
10 身心障礙者權利公約在臺灣的落實現況—以第19條自立生活權利為中心【本期企劃】
Implementation of the Right to Living Independently under Article 19 of the CRPD in Taiwan
曾培琪   2024/06  月旦醫事法報告
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