醫師未得法定代理人同意對未成年人施行人工流產手術應否負損害賠償責任?【醫事法學教室】 試閱
Should the Physician Take the Responsibility of Compensation Because of Taking an Artificial Abortion to Juveniles without the Agreement of the Legal Agent?
Pregnant women have no decision right to procreate on the ground of protecting the right of living for the fetus, when the fetus can survive without the mother’s body by itself, unless the fetus has a serious physical disability and deformity, which are medically incurable and discovered during the late pregnancy. Furthermore, the physician should have a court decision, before taking an artificial abortion to juveniles without the agreement of the legal agent. Without this agreement, the abortion shall not be the infringement on the personality right and the right of relationships according to paragraph 195 section 1 and 3 Civil Law.