心導管支架與節律器併置案:論醫師親自診察義務的踐行及其現代意涵【學習式判解評析】 試閱
Simultaneous Implantation of Coronary Stent and Pacemaker: On the Fulfillment of Physician’s Duty to In-person Examinations and Modern
The physician’s duty to conduct examinations in person as stipulated in Article 11, Paragraph 1 of the Physician Act is originally designed to maintain medical quality and patient well-being, so it must be viewed seriously. However, does the word “in person” mean that physicians can only diagnose patients through face-to-face contact? Also, is this the only way to avoid misdiagnosing the patient’s condition and causing mistreatment and other shortcomings? In today’s age where communication technology and medical equipment both have made significant progress, and are developing continuously, it is truly a topic worth pondering over at the intersection of the medical and legal fields.