查詢結果:共有 6 筆符合條件的資料
序號 | 篇名 | 作者 | 日期 | 期刊 |
1 | 臺商撤出中國大陸的模式探討與建議(二) A Study on the Methods And Practices for Taiwanese Companies to Withdraw Operations from the People’s Republic of China (II) |
黃謙閔 | 2025/02 | 月旦會計實務研究 |
2 | 臺商撤出中國大陸的模式探討與建議(一)【執業進修】 A study on the Methods And Practices for Taiwanese Companies to Withdraw Operations from the People's Republic of China (I) |
黃謙閔 | 2024/12 | 月旦會計實務研究 |
3 | 大陸公司治理的新挑戰——因應新《公司法》及《外商投資法》調整公司章程應關注之環節【執業進修】 New Challenges in Corporate Governance for Mainland Companies: Addressing Adjustments in the Articles of Association in Response to the New Company Law and Foreign Investment Law |
黃謙閔 | 2024/10 | 月旦會計實務研究 |
4 | 臺商應留意大陸外資企業減資時的兩岸稅務核課依據【國際經貿時論】 Taiwanese Businesses Should Pay Attention That Foreign-capital Enterprises in the People's Republic of China Reduces Capital to the Differences in Taxation between the People's Republic of China and the Republic of China |
黃謙閔 | 2024/09 | 月旦會計實務研究 |
5 | 非常態國際情勢下大陸臺商應有的「Dynamic-TARGET」營運管理新思維【會計稅務教室】 The New Thinking "Dynamic-TARGET" That Taiwanese Business Operation Should Have Adaptability to Changes under the Abnormal International Situation |
黃謙閔 | 2022/05 | 月旦會計實務研究 |
6 | 後疫情時期大陸臺商企業退場機制評估與實務解析【月旦時論】 Evaluation and Practical Analysis of the Withdrawal Mechanism of Taiwan Enterprises in Mainland China in the Post Pandemic Period |
黃謙閔 | 2021/06 | 月旦會計實務研究 |