查詢結果:共有 432 筆符合條件的資料
序號 | 篇名 | 作者 | 日期 | 期刊 |
11 | 臺商撤出中國大陸的模式探討與建議(一)【執業進修】 A study on the Methods And Practices for Taiwanese Companies to Withdraw Operations from the People's Republic of China (I) |
黃謙閔 | 2024/12 | 月旦會計實務研究 |
12 | 投保法下裁判解任董事制度──智慧財產及商業法院112年度商訴字第24號民事判決評析【學習式判解評析】 Removal of Company Directors under the Securities Investor and Futures Trader Protection Act: Comment on the Intellectual Property and CommercialCourt Civil Judgement No. 24 in 2023 |
林麗琦、劉映姍 | 2024/12 | 月旦會計實務研究 |
13 | 外國原告在臺提起民事訴訟之關卡──探討民事訴訟法第96條訴訟擔保之實務操作疑義【學習式判解評析】 Challenges Faced by Foreign Plaintiffs in Initiating Civil Litigation in Taiwan:Practical Issues Regarding the Application of Article 96 of the Code of Civil Procedure on Litigation Security |
蔡庭熏 | 2024/11 | 月旦會計實務研究 |
14 | 市場先行者的護城河──論表徵之判斷要素及高度抄襲行為之規範【月旦時論】 The Moat of Market Pioneer, an Analysis of the Factors to Constitute the Trade Dress & the Rule of Slavish Imitation |
林冠亨、陳儷昕 | 2024/11 | 月旦會計實務研究 |
15 | 長照機構法人之會計與稅務議題探討【月旦時論】 On the Accounting and Taxation for the Long-term Care Entities |
許崇源 | 2024/11 | 月旦會計實務研究 |
16 | 超高齡時代下反向抵押貸款結合信託之運用探析【本月企劃】 Analysis on the Application of Reverse Mortgage combined with Trust in the Super Aged Era |
李智仁 | 2024/11 | 月旦會計實務研究 |
17 | 財團法人董事長因故不能行使職權如何認定?──以最高法院112年台上字第668號、最高法院110年台上字第3224號、臺灣高等法院110年度上字第88號等判決為例【學習式判解評析】 How to Determine the Circumstances under Which a Foundation's Chairperson is Unable to Exercise His or Her Duties and Powers? |
林佳穎 | 2024/10 | 月旦會計實務研究 |
18 | 以限縮銀行貸款抑制不動產投資之政策評析【月旦時論】 Analysis on the Policy of Restricting Bank Loans to Suppress Real Estate Investment |
月旦會計實務研究編輯部 | 2024/10 | 月旦會計實務研究 |
19 | 無人願做白工──論我國聲請選派檢查人制度之兩難【月旦時論】 No One Is Willing to Work for Free: On the Dilemma of Taiwan's System for Applying for the Appointment of Inspectors |
闕光威 | 2024/10 | 月旦會計實務研究 |
20 | 勞動基準法第22條第2項但書規定之探討——以制服費負擔為中心【月旦時論】 Discussion on Proviso to Paragraph 2 of Article 22 of the Labor Standards Act: Focusing on the Burden of Uniform Fees |
辛昀浩 | 2024/10 | 月旦會計實務研究 |