
查詢結果:共有 36 筆符合條件的資料

序號 篇名 作者 日期 期刊
1 論「雙方合意解除買賣契約」於個人房地合一稅之認定【月旦時論】
Analysis of Individual House and Land Transactions Income Tax as Rescission of Contract
謝寧婕   2024/07  月旦財稅實務釋評
2 論房地合一稅實質課稅之認定【月旦時論】
The Substantive Taxation Principle in Holding Period of House and Land Transactions Income Tax
紀瀚棋   2024/06  月旦財稅實務釋評
3 從房市控管析論預售屋履約擔保【月旦時論】
Analysis on Presale House Performance Guarantee from Real Estate Market Control
連世昌陳揚仁   2024/01  月旦財稅實務釋評
4 論以繼承為取得原因於個人房地合一稅之課徵【月旦時論】
Analysis of Consolidated Housing and Land Tax by Inheritance as the Acquisition Reason
謝寧婕   2023/12  月旦財稅實務釋評
5 從租稅法律主義評析房地合一稅持有期間之計算【月旦時論】
Comment on the Calculation of the Holding Period of House and Land Transactions Income Tax from the Principle of Taxation Law
連世昌   2023/11  月旦財稅實務釋評
6 房地合一稅制2.0對財富傳承規劃之挑戰【月旦時論】
The Challenge of House and Land Transactions Income Tax 2.0 to Wealth Inheritance Planning
王明勝   2023/09  月旦財稅實務釋評
7 房地合一稅2.0──特定股權交易下規範股權及房地取得時間之合憲性探討【月旦時論】
Real Estate Consolidation Tax 2.0: Discussion on the Constitutionality of the Acquisition Time of Equity and Real Estate under Specific Equity Transactions
王玉青   2023/08  月旦財稅實務釋評
8 不動產繼承後房地合一稅之探討與芻議【月旦時論】
The Exploration and Proposed Suggestions on the Combined Tax of Real Estate after the Inheritance
吳聲煌   2023/08  月旦財稅實務釋評
9 未上市、上櫃且非興櫃公司股權交易所得課稅爭議問題研究【月旦時論】
Research on Tax Controversies Regarding Equity Transactions of Companies Not Listed on the Stock Exchange or Traded on Over-The-Counter Markets
月旦財稅實務釋評編輯部   2023/07  月旦財稅實務釋評
10 個人房地合一稅非自願性交易適用爭議之探討【月旦時論】
Discussion on the Application Dispute of the Involuntary Transaction of House and Land Transactions Income Tax
吳鳳琴   2023/05  月旦財稅實務釋評