我國法律中人骨的處置權【醫法新論】 試閱
The Management Rights of Human Bones in Taiwan’s Laws
Human bones have the following characteristics coincidently: the dead, human organs, remains. These complexity make them difficult to be defined the right and obligates in Taiwan’s laws. Even the human bones usually are founded in tombs, old indigenous villages, wild fields, or prehistoric sites, they are mainly divided into two categories in Taiwan’s laws: mastered bones and non-mastered bones. In general, bones in tombs are mostly mastered, and bones in prehistoric sites are non-mastered. However, the management rights of bones in old indigenous villages or in the fields require special attention. Regarding the management methods, mastered bones are managed in an anthropomorphic manner, and non-mastered bones in an objects manner relatively. The indigenous status of the dead are also treated differently with non-indigenous dead.