日本NPO仲介海外器官移植違反「臟器移植法」【寰宇醫事裁判】 試閱
A Nonprofit Organization Intermediating Foreign Organ Transplantation Against Human Organ Transplant Act
The accused of this issue, the chairman of the Support Group for Patients with Intractable Diseases, intermediated foreign organ transplantation without permission of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, recruiting illegally patients who want to undergo organ transplantation overseas. At the end of 2021 and the beginning of 2022, patients A and B, respectively, entrusted the accused to arrange surgeries for them for a fee, and the Defendant signed contracts with overseas medical institutions and accompanied the patients to undergo surgeries overseas. The accused argued that the so-called mediation did not involve overseas intermediaries and that the contact and the intermediary were made by the same person. According to the Tokyo District Court, the sale of organs or the provision of mediation for a fee, regardless of whether it is performed domestically or internationally, makes the provision of organs no longer voluntary, seriously undermines the fairness and orderliness of surgery for domestic patients, and fails to protect the safety and privacy of surgery performed abroad, thereby affecting the follow-up medical care in Japan. Therefore, the so-called mediation should include the recruitment and registration of patients in Japan, as well as liaison and adjustment overseas.