
共有 6 筆符合條件的資料

序號 篇名 作者 日期 期刊
1 管制藥品仿單外使用爭議案:管制藥品仿單外使用與過失致死罪及販毒罪之關係【學習式判解評析】
An Issues about Off-Label-Use of Controlled Medicines: The Off-Label-Use of Controlled Drugs and Its Outsourcing in Hospitals: Medicine's Duty to Disclosure Negligence and Unlawful Sale of Controlled Drugs
蔡蕙芳   2024/06  月旦醫事法報告
2 漫談處方藥的使用與管制【本期企劃】
On the Governance and Use of Prescription Drugs
林工凱   2019/10  月旦醫事法報告
3 從止痛藥品使用不當案件鳥瞰臺灣對於麻醉藥品管制及使用規範【醫事綜探】
Look Down to the Regulations of the Control and the Use of Narcotic Drugs from Improper Use of Painkilling Drugs
劉依俐   2019/03  月旦醫事法報告
4 日本藥物製造商違法進口麻藥【寰宇醫事裁判】
Japanese Drug Manufacturers Who Imported Anesthetics Illegally Against Narcotics and Psychotropocs Control Act
黃浥昕(編譯)   2018/11  月旦醫事法報告
5 日本與臺灣對管制藥品管理法規之比較【本期企劃】
The Comparison of the Controlled Drugs Management in Taiwan and Japan
簡俊生   2017/03  月旦醫事法報告
6 醫療機構未能交代管制藥品流向,如何適用法條?是否得准予歇業?【醫事法學教室】
How to evaluate it legally when the Medical Institution didn’t know the Using of Controlled Drugs? Could Their Business Be Terminated?
余萬能   2017/01  月旦醫事法報告
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