醫院人力外包業務案:醫療傷害事件之不真正連帶債務 —鼻胃管錯接案【學習式判解評析】 試閱
A Case Study on the Business of Human Resources Outsourcing in Hospitals: Quasi- Joint Obligation in Medical Tort— A Case about Misplaced Nasogastric Tube
The facts of this case involve a quasi-joint obligation, according to which different legal provisions based on the same creditor is jointly and severally liable for compensation between different tortfeasors, because the creditor can only receive a payment of the unreal joint and several relationship. By introducing this case, it would be to illustrate the opinions according to the theories and the legal practice in Taiwan, such as the classification standards for the joint obligation and the quasi-joint obligation and the provision for the validity, then the author’s opinion.