從傳統整復的法規管理談健康促進產業的未來【本期企劃】 試閱
On the Future of the Industry of the Health Promotion by discussing the Management of Regulations of Traditional Osteopathic Manipulation
Because of the tendency of the global ageing demographic structure, the increasing of morbidty rate, economic development and the improvement of living level, industries of the health promotion is one of the largest and the fastest developed industry. The cause of the traditional osteopathic manipulation which let it be popular among the people are the functions of the medicine and the regimen. However, the osteopathic manipulation in the past concentrated on the medicine of injury and ignored the health care, in where it had advantages. Considering the tendency of the flourish of the industries of health care in the world, the Ministry of Health and Welfare should revise the standard of Food Vendor Sanitation and take the traditional osteopathic manipulation into the scape of application. Beginning from the management of health, setting regulations for every situation, improving the quality of men power and the quality of servicing, the policies of licensing and industrialization could be realized. Furthermore, the authority of health should take the issues about the complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) into the policies of health, setting up the resource platform of CAM-training for the medical personal and non-medical personal and improving the empirical research of CAM, so that its safety and effectiveness could be guaranteed.