「冠脂妥」僞藥事件在實務與法規適用之探討【醫法新論】 試閱
On the Application of Crestor Fake Drug in Practice and Law Regulation
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved the “Crestor” tablets ingredient is Rosuvstatin. A pharmacist in New Taipei City noticed “Crestor” (MV530 batch) 10mg has different color that might be “fake Crestor” tablet and reported to AstraZeneca. Unfortunately, AstraZeneca confirmed the “Crestor” (MV530 batch) 10mg film-coated tablets were mixed fake drugs. The illigle “fake Crestor” ingregient is Atorvastin. Many pharmacists reported that most of the “Crestor” (MV530 batch) has already been sold and people gate “fake Crestor” by prescription dispencing or buying. FDA has requested the assistance of the AstraZeneca in recalling and replacing the fake products. What source of the law by preventive recalling the “fake Crestor”? What laws convinced of the two suspects and pharmacists who involved in manufacturing, selling, prescription dispensing? How pharmacists to affirmative defence? According to this case, this article will discuss Pharmacist Law, Drug Law, Cunsumer Protection Law and National Health Insurance associate with pharmacists.