【醫療民事法】隆乳手術注射物致乳房組織病變案:醫療糾紛在民事事件舉證責任之分配【學習式判解評析】 試閱
The Burden of Proof in the Aesthetic Medicine: On the Refinement of Burden of Proof in the Medical Legal Practices
How to distribute the burden of proof during the medical legal suits to balance the interests of two parties, is always a disputed issue. The judgement discussed in this article announced that the duty of disclose should be fulfilled by the physician or the hospital, and explained how to distribute the burden of proof when the duty of history-preserving might be violated, and when there could be major medical faults during taking a medical treatment. The reasons of the judgement are reorganized and the disputes about the distribution of the burden of proof in medical legal suits are analyzed in this article.