【醫療民事法】臺灣高等法院高雄分院105年度醫上易字第3號判決評析──藥物不良反應與用藥說明義務【學習式判解評析】 試閱
Comment on Appealed Summary Judgement No. 3 in 2016 in Taiwan High Court Kaohsiung Branch: Adverse Drug Reaction and Duty of Disclosure of Medication
This case is about that a physician medicated a patient without any disclosure of side effects of the medication and any genetic examination. The patient’s condition worsened because of allergies against the medicine and he died eventually because of bleeding which caused by catheters shedding during having a Hemodialysis. Beginning with the duty of disclosure of the physician, the standard of duty of disclosure and its range would be discussed in this paper, comparing with the experience of clinical practice in Taiwan and the US. The development of the pharmacogenomics would in the end be introduced to analyze the relationship between the genetic examination and informed consent.