陝西榆林孕婦墜樓案:患者知情同意權適用之分析【月旦時論】 試閱
The Case of Pregnant Jumper in Shanxi Province: A Brief Analysis on Patients’ Right of Informed Consent
The patient’s right of informed consent is the main content of the patient’s right of self-determination. It has been the premise of the legitimacy and legalization of medical behavior. Respecting the patient’s right of informed consent has became the highest code of conduct for medical institutions. The exercise of patients’ right of informed consent needs a prerequisite that the proper performance of the doctor’s obligation to inform. Its embraces two elements: patient’s knowledge of the relevant diagnosis and treatment information; the commitment of the physician to carry out the therapeutic behavior. The subject of the exercise of the right of informed consent shall be a patient with full capacity, otherwise it will be exercised by the family of the patient on his behalf. The treatment of patients with the right of informed consent is not justified, but emergency medical care, compulsory medical treatment for patients with mental disorders and isolation therapy for patients with infectious diseases are legally permissible.