中醫師執行西醫檢查之爭議探討【醫法新論】 試閱
The Controversial Issue About Duties of Chinese Physicians Implement Western Medicine Examinations
Chinese physicians who graduated from school of traditional Chinese medicine and school of post-baccalaureate Chinese medicine do not have the Physician license of Western medicine. Could these two kinds of physicians perform Western medical examination like X-ray or electrocardiogram or not is a problem, and the attitude of the authority is changeable over the years. First, the authority announced the direction to prohibit the usage on 1995. Second, on 2012 they put the related specifications in the “Medical Institution Setting Standards.” Till 2017 Dec. 25th, the newest direction let Chinese physicians apply for Western medical examination, but could only do “preliminary interpretation,” he official report should issue by relevant specialists. This will lead to dispute between lower and upper legal hierarchy, the direction and Medical Institution Setting Standards, and separated the authority of order sheet and interpretation. The action reignites debate about the report interpretation authority and the dispute of clinical responsibility of Chinese physicians. Further, it leads to the insufficient protection of patients’ rights and interests. This article suggests to follow the principle of “teaching, testing, training and appointment.” We have permit with the premise that all Chinese physicians have ability to implement the Western medicine examination. Not only give them rights but also take responsibilities and achieve the goal of win-win situation of patient-provider relationship.