Affordable Care Act Litigation: The Supreme Court and the Future of Health Care Reform
美國在尼克森總統首次提出的醫療照護體系大幅改革計畫後的將近三十年,終於在2010年3月23日藉由歐巴馬總統所簽署的「病人保護與平價醫療法」(the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, ACA),完成全面性的改革。透過了擴大針對窮人的醫療補助計畫(Medicaid)、提供購買私人保險的補助、既存症狀排除的禁止等措施,ACA將醫療保險擴及到原先沒有保險的3200萬美國人身上。
Nearly 30 years after President Nixon proposed the first major overhaul of the health care system, comprehensive reform became a reality when President Obama signed the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA) on March 23, 2010. The ACA is expected to cover 32 million currently uninsured people by expanding Medicaid, offering subsidies to purchase insurance, and prohibiting preexisting condition exclusions. Like Presidents Carter and Clinton before him, Barack Obama campaigned on a promise of health care reform.