隔離簡史:沉默年代的無聲黑白【醫學人文】 試閱
The Brief History of Isolation: the Black and White Movie in the Silent Era
Isolating the patients with infectious diseases is an instinctive reaction of human being to the plague. In western history, after the emergence of Christianity, isolation had been largely changed from the meaning of exile. After the 13th century, the secular administrative force gradually became the main controller of isolation, and the modern quarantine isolation system was established. With the development of medical science, the theory of contact infection had been proved and the isolation had been scientifically explained. In Chinese history, isolation began in the Qin and Han Dynasties, developed in the Western Jin Dynasty and flourished in the two Song dynasties. During the northeast plague pandemic of 1910- 1911, Dr. Wu-liande had organized an anti-epidemic campaign based on quarantine isolation system, and the action had produced remarkable results. In Foucault’s view, the operation of the isolation may be an early exercise of discipline and power network in modern society. The discriminatory effects of the isolation should also be sufficiently alarming. According to the history, quarantine isolation system should be more scientific and civilized in the future.