從精神科醫師角度看殺警案──重大精神疾病之暴力風險探討【本期企劃】 試閱
The Perspectives of a Psychiatrist for the Police-killing Case on Railroad: The Violence Risks of Violence for Major Mental Illness
In most modern countries’ criminal law systems, where mental illness or mental dysfunction leads to a loss of the criminal responsibility, there is often an explicit reduction or exemption of the actors’ penalty. However, the non-psychiatric professional opinions often have a considerable degree of prejudice and stigmatization of mental illnesses regarding the risk of violence for major mental illnesses. The occurrence of major violence from mentally disabled suspects often leads to public dissatisfaction with court decisions, psychiatric forensic assessments, the court system, and even the criminal justice system. However, the source of the controversy mostly comes from ignorance and misunderstanding of the risk of violence for major mental illnesses. Through the discussion of relevant empirical research, it can be clearly found that major mental illness itself does not have a particularly serious problem of violence, and the main risk indicators may be highly correlated with antisocial personality, substance abuse, and specific forms of delusions and negative emotions.