護理人員洩密之侵權責任 【醫事法學教室】 試閱
Tort Liability of Nursing Staff for Leaking Secrets
According to HIV Infection Control and Patient Rights Protection Act the medical staffs have the duty of confidentiality for conditions to the HIV patients. It would be a violation of the norms protecting the others according to paragraph 184 section 2 Civil Code that the medical staffs reveal the condition of patients, breaching the duty of confidentiality. A judgment which shows that a nursing staff shall be obligated to compensate the damage according to paragraph 184 section 2 Civil Code because of revealing the conditions of the patient and the patient therefore comes to litigation would be introduced in the essay in hand. The legal issue in the judgement is about the concept of the violation of norms protecting the others according to paragraph 184 section 2 Civil Code. With the judgement would the essay in hand like to discuss it.