稻米分段管制之可行性分析——糧食管理法與食品安全衛生管理法之交錯【月旦時論】 試閱
Feasibility Analysis of Segment Control to Rice: The Intersection of Food Administration Act and Act Governing Food Safety and Sanitation
Rice, an important staple crop in Taiwan, is not only the meaning of the “food” under the Food Administration Act, but also the same as the “food” under the Act Governing Food Safety and Sanitation. At present, there seem to be some ambiguities in the administrative control of rice by the Council of Agriculture and the Ministry of Health and Welfare. In particular, there have been cases in practice that rice millers refused local health units to enter for inspection. In addition, it remains to be clarified about how to determine the control breakpoint for the segment control of rice and edible rice, and about what kind of laws and regulations should be applied in priority when the food industry violates the regulations of labeling.