護理之家的密醫罪案例:護理長指示護理人員執行醫療輔助行為【醫事法學教室】 試閱
Head Nurse prescribed the Nursing Stuff to practice the Medical Assisted Activities: A Case about Fake Doctor in the Nursing Home
There are two types for the fake doctor because the nursing stuff against paragraph 28 Physician Act: (1) thenursing stuff practices the medical activities which shall be practiced by physicians; (2) the nursing stuff practices the medical assisted activities without the indication by physicians. A judgment would be introduced in this essay that the head nurse prescribed the nursing stuff to change the feeding tube for the residents in a nursing home and both of them were sentenced to be the fake doctor. The legal issues are the matter of concepts like scope of practice for the nursing stuff, the medical assisted activities, the fake doctor and the joint principal offender. These topics would be discussed on the basis of the judgement in the essay.