新冠疫情下藥物及疫苗之可專利性與相關侵權爭訟初探(中)【月旦時論】 試閱
Preliminary Review on the Patentability of the New Drugs and Vaccine, Patent Prosecution and Infringement Disputes under the Global COVID-19 Epidemic (II)
全球新冠病毒爆發,值此舉世浩劫之際,藥物與疫苗已成救命關鍵,而專利又係其產製最核心之議題。本文爰從專利觀點,審視COVID-19相關藥物小分子化合物與化學合成之可專利性;疫苗病毒、組合物、組成配方等專利適格標的。再介紹COVID-19相關專利爭訟,如莫德納與Arbutus mRNA疫苗之IPR專利舉發爭訟、武漢病研所搶先就瑞德西韋於中國申請專利爭議、蘇州博瑞生醫合成瑞德西韋之專利侵權爭議、美生技公司Allele提告輝瑞與BioNTech和Regeneron三家公司COVID-19相關熒光蛋白專利侵權訴訟。
As the global COVID-19 pandemic strikes, drugs and vaccines are crucial for life-saving and patents undoubtedly are the key for their production. This article examines the patentability of small molecule compounds and chemical synthesis of COVID-19-related drugs; and then touches the patentability of the virus strain, vaccine compositions, and particular formulations. Also introduces COVID-19- related patent prosecution disputes, such as U.S. PTAB’s inter partes review on mRNA vaccine between Modena and Arbutus, Wuhan Institute of Virology’s first filed patent application in China for use of Remdesivir, Suzhou BrightGene Bio-Medical’s involving patent infringement by making synthetic Remdesivir. Last, briefing the patent infringement litigation filed by Allele Biotech against Pfizer, BioNTech and Regeneron for COVID-19 related fluorescent protein.