「危險性行為」之刑罰檢討──愛滋防治及權益保障條例第21條之修法建議【醫法新論】 試閱
A Study of Taiwan's Implementation of the HIV Infection Control and Patient Rights Protection Act 21
Article 21 of the HIV Infection Control and Patient Rights Protection Act (HIV Act) was originally enacted to restrict the sexual behavior of HIV positive people to eliminating HIV transmission. However, scientific studies have confirmed in recent years that HIV virus can be controlled through drugs, and if the amount of virus reduce to an undetectable level, the HIV transmission does not occur, so the HIV Act should keep pace with the times, otherwise there is a risk of excessive restrictions on the human rights of those HIV positive people. This paper first examines the the definition of unsafe sex, and finds that it’s not proper to comprise the element of “Individuals who are fully aware that they are the infected,” so this paper also proposes suggestions for future amendments.