防疫保單理賠標準變變變!【醫事法學教室】 試閱
The Instability of the Criterion Settlement of Pandemic Insurance Claim
X insured against epidemic with Y Property Insurance Company (as known as Y in following) with himself as the insured and the insured on February 1, 2022. The related article reads as following: “Hospitalization: The insured person is diagnosed by a physician as having a statutory infectious disease and must be admitted to a hospital, and is formally hospitalized and actually receives treatment at the hospital. The Psychiatric Day Care according to Paragraph 51 of National Health Care Act and Paragraph 35 of Mental Health Care are excluded.” Subsequently has the pandemic of Covid-19 outbroken. Due to the limited capacity of hospitals, Central Epidemic Command Center announced that the confirmed patients are to send to quarantine hotels or quarantine facilities with the care of medical staffs. After X, being sent to a quarantine hotel and cared by the medical staffs, recovered from Covid-19 in 10 days, he claimed for the insurance for the hospitalization. Y refused him the settlement, because he had been sent in the quarantine hotel instead hospitalization and the elements of the settlement are not fulfilled consequently. Ask if there is any reason for X’s claim.