醫療暴力案件法院判決之實證研究—從2014年至2023年醫療法第106條刑事判決分析【實務講座】 試閱
An Empirical Study for the Judgments in Respect of the Medical Violence: Analysis of Judgments about Medical Violence
The legislator solved the problem that the medical violence causes or exacerbates the deterioration of the relationship between physician and patients by amending paragraph 24 of Medical Care Act on January 14th 2014, and criminalizing it specially in paragraph 106 of the same law, and then amending the penalty of paragraph 106 in 2017 and expanding the scope of protection for medical personnel. This essay focuses on the number of cases involving paragraph 106 of the Medical Care Act from 2014 to 2023 years, the disparity of cases in different hospitals, the types of health care workers victimized, the places of occurrence, the perpetrators and behaviors, and the penalties and sentencing factors, in order to examine whether the severe penalties for medical violence can be improved and how to avoid occupational accidents in the medical field as reflected by the actual cases.