管制藥品仿單外使用爭議案:管制藥品仿單外使用與過失致死罪及販毒罪之關係【學習式判解評析】 試閱
An Issues about Off-Label-Use of Controlled Medicines: The Off-Label-Use of Controlled Drugs and Its Outsourcing in Hospitals: Medicine's Duty to Disclosure Negligence and Unlawful Sale of Controlled Drugs
The High Court decisions upheld by the Supreme Court around the issues of the off-label use of controlled drugs can be summarized as follows: firstly, the legitimate medical purpose use of controlled drugs under Article 5(1) and Article 6 (1) of the Controlled Drugs Act must be limited to the label-use. The court decisions seem to conflict with the opinions issued by the Ministry of Health and Welfare. The argument of court decisions taking into account of the nature of controlled drugs may be more persuasive. Secondly, clinical physicians’ prescription of controlled drugs for no legitimate medical purpose does not necessarily constitute the offense of unlawful sale of Schedule 4 (IV) drugs. It will depend on whether they meet the elements of the offense. Thirdly, the question of whether the off-label use of controlled drugs to addicted patients constitute the offense of causing death by negligence must be determined in light of circumstance according to Article 82 of the Medical Care Act. This comment focuses on the issues of legitimate medical purpose use of controlled drugs and proposes future amendment to the Controlled Drugs Act with reference to German Narcotic Substance Act.