轉移性癌症的追蹤觀察義務與因果關係【寰宇醫事裁判】 試閱
On Duty of Follow-Up and Observation of metastatic Cancer and its Causality
On December 18th 1990, patient A underwent a colon x-ray examination conducted by physician B as the defendant. Although there were granular changes in part of A’s cecum, B recommended regular follow-up, taking into account the patient’s age and previous post-appendectomy adhesions. A colonoscopy was not scheduled at that time. It appears that A did not seek medical consultation until May 1993. Although there were no symptoms at the time, B did not arrange for an examination. On May 12th of the following year, B conducted blood and stool tests on A, and the results were normal. However, on November 16th, 1994, A’s cancer index was found to be extremely high, and A was diagnosed with liver cancer and associated symptoms. Furthermore, on December 1st of the same year, B diagnosed A with intestinal prolapse. A eventually died despite receiving surgical intervention for hepatic metastasis of colorectal cancer. The court held that B’s recommendation to schedule a colonoscopy for regular follow-up was reasonable. However, it was found that B did not fulfill their obligation of follow-up and observation, and failed to diagnose liver metastasis of colorectal cancer. This was considered a breach of the duty of care, but it was not causally related to the result of A’s death. Consequently, Plaintiff X, A’s heir, did not succeed in the lawsuit.