胃癌術後第三天死亡判院方無過失【寰宇醫事裁判】 試閱
Hospital Found Not at Fault for Stomach Cancer Death on Third Day after Surgery
C underwent surgery for gastric cancer at a hospital run by defendant Y. A lump was accidentally found at the base of the gallbladder and the gallbladder was removed; C suffered from postoperative hypoxemia, so physician G stopped administering painkillers and installed an electrocardiogram monitor; on the third day after the surgery, C suffered from respiratory distress and became unconscious, and died despite the provision of oxygen and other emergency medical care; Physician A determined that pulmonary embolism was the first cause of acute postoperative death to be considered, and that all the postoperative symptoms of C pointed to pulmonary embolism; Physician B, on the other hand, considered that C had not yet developed the characteristics of pulmonary embolism, and could not yet be diagnosed with pulmonary embolism. The court held that although pulmonary embolism is difficult to diagnose and physician G did not observe any obvious symptoms, if other causes of death are ruled out, C’s death should still be determined to be due to pulmonary embolism; secondly, C’s physical condition, medical history, and clinical course did not have the factor of pulmonary embolism, and it was difficult to predict the onset of the disease, and according to the standard of medical treatment at the present time, it is not a common medical practice to prevent acute pulmonary embolism in the post-surgical period; and finally, even though physician G did not inform C of the removal of the gallbladder, he could have made an assessment if C had been informed of it in advance. Moreover, physician G’s explicit recommendation for an autopsy to find out the cause of death was rejected by the family, so it is not possible to conclude that physician G breached his duty to inform.