長照機構法人化的迷思與問題——從準市場機制的觀點檢討【本期企劃】 試閱
Myths and Issues Regarding the Incorporation of Long-term Care Institutions: Review from the Perspective of Quasi-market
In terms of historical development, long-term care system in Taiwan has transformed from a self-funded market to a quasi-market. However, the current law targets unincorporated small private institutions, and restricts their expansion and relocation, seriously affecting the provision of accommodation services. This article believes that the current legal system is based on the erroneous myth of Incorporation. Such legislative restrictions will conflict with the thinking of quasi-market. In addition, from the perspective of quasi-market, this article proposes that unincorporated small private institutions still have their existence, and in fact they are service providers that cannot be ignored in the development of long-term care system.