健康(與)人權:立法及政策發展、挑戰和未來展望【一百期特別企劃】 試閱
Health (and) Human Rights: Legislative and Policy Developments, Challenges, and Prospects
Achieving the highest attainable standard of physical and mental health, as a basic human right, is closely related to life, liberty, and dignity, also significantly impacting the enjoyment of other rights such as education, work, housing, and public participation. Since 2009, Taiwan has introduced and incorporated various international human rights treaties into its legal framework. This article reviews the recommendations made by international review committees regarding health-related human rights in Taiwan in the past decade and the legislative efforts and challenges on various health topics over the past twenty years. Finally, it explores how legal reforms, policy developments, and social engagements can embed global human rights standards deeper into policymaking processes and societal fabric, creating a context where the right to health and other related rights can be better realised.