臺灣長期照顧服務之回顧與展望——以長照政策與立法的互動為核心【一百期特別企劃】 試閱
Review and Prospect of Long-Term Care Services in Taiwan- From the Perspective of the Interaction between Long-Term Care Policy and Legislation
When Taiwan becomes a super-aged society, the demand for long term care inevitably increases. In order to protect the people’s right of receiving health care, long-term care policy and relevant legislation framework should address this phenomenon.From the perspective of the interaction between long-term care policy and legislation, this paper firstly explains the background of the formation of Taiwan’s long-term care policy. This paper then introduces the development of Ten-year Long-term Care Plans, including 1.0, 2.0, and 3.0, which will start from 2026 according to the announcement of the Executive Yuan. This paper then addresses legislative process of the so-called “Dual Acts of Long-term Care”, which includes Long-term Care Services Act and the Long-term Care Insurance Act Draft. This paper thirdly introduces contents of long-term care benefits as stipulated in current long-term care service application and benefit regulations, including benefits for individuals with care needs at care levels 2 to 8. The benefits include care and professional services, transportation, devices and home accessibility improvement services, and respite services for family caregivers, as well as the benefit programs currently being piloted by the Ministry of Health and Welfare. Such benefit programs include subsidy programs for residents who live in nursing homes, Dementia prevention, interface service between hospital discharge and long-term care, family doctor programs for home visit, and programs for reducing the number of residents of nursing homes going to hospital. Lastly, this paper introduces seven pillars of the Ten-year Long-Term Care Plan 3.0 vision and discusses the challenges that long-term care may encounter in the future.