同志電影輔導性侵少年案:心理師之注意義務與臨床專業裁量 The Use of LGBT Films in Adolescent Victim-Turned Sex Offender Counseling: The Standard of Care and Professional Clinical Discretion of Psychologists Clinical Discretion of Psychologists
心理諮商與心理治療定義——心理師業務範圍之解釋與爭議 Definition of Counseling and Psychotherapy: Interpretation and Controversy Regarding the Scope of Business of a Clinical Psychologist or Counseling Psychologist
心理師法中刑事責任之成立與極限——從心靈成長課程的態樣切入 The Establishment and Limit of Criminal Liability in Psychologist Law-From the Perspective of Spiritual Growth Courses
探討使用通訊心理諮商之核准適法性 Exploring the Legal Issues of Requiring Approval for the Use of Tele-Counseling
產前診斷錯誤案:醫療機構與檢驗機構之法律責任與損害賠償範圍 Case of Prenatal Misdiagnosis: Legal Liability and Scope of Damages of Medical Institutions and Testing Laboratories-Civil Decision of the Supreme Court No. 206 of 2023
回顧與展望——澳洲自願協助死亡(VAD)立法沿革與未來法律改革 Looking Back to Look Forward—The History of VAD Laws in Australia and Future LawReform in the Australian Territories
心理師使用恢復記憶療法而對第三人負注意義務 Mental Health Professional Has a Duty to Third Parties When Using Recovered Memory Therapy
醫療過失於刑事案件之認定標準 The Standard for Determining Medical Negligence in Criminal Cases
死刑受刑能力司法精神鑑定之倫理爭議 Ethical Issues in the Forensic Psychiatric Examination of Competency for Execution