
共有 4 筆符合條件的資料

序號 篇名 作者 日期 期刊
1 雇主對身心障礙受僱者合理調整義務之遵循及抗辯【本期企劃】
The Compliance and Defense of Employer Liability in Reasonable Accommodation Duty for the Disabled Employees
焦興鎧   2024/06  月旦醫事法報告
2 疫情期間雇主強制受僱者接種疫苗所引起之勞動法爭議──美國之經驗【本期企劃】
Labor Disputes Arising from Mandatory Vaccination in the Workplace During the Covid-19 Pandemic—Lessons from the United States
焦興鎧   2022/05  月旦醫事法報告
3 醫療院所性騷擾之防治與處理【本期企劃】
The Prevention and the Handling of Sexual Harassments in Hospitals
焦興鎧   2018/12  月旦醫事法報告
4 工作場所基因檢測在美國所引起之就業歧視爭議【本期企劃】
Controversies over Employment Discrimination Arising from Genetic Testing in the Workplace in the United States
焦興鎧   2018/10  月旦醫事法報告
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