共有 47 筆符合條件的資料
序號 | 篇名 | 作者 | 日期 | 期刊 |
1 | 醫師臨床裁量權【醫事法學教室】 The Clinical Discretion Right of Doctors |
張倍齊 | 2024/03 | 月旦醫事法報告 |
2 | 頭部外傷急診留觀案:醫療常規的撥亂反正【學習式判解評析】 Observation of Head Injury in Emergency Station: Judgments from the Supreme Court in a Case of Head Injury |
林萍章 | 2023/12 | 月旦醫事法報告 |
3 | 人工血管置換手術後出血死亡判賠【寰宇醫事裁判】 Bleeding Death after Prosthetic Blood Vessel Replacement Surgery and Being Awarded Compensation |
黃浥昕(編譯) | 2023/10 | 月旦醫事法報告 |
4 | 產婦肺栓塞死亡案:論醫師之轉診義務【學習式判解評析】 Postpartum Maternal Death Due to Pulmonary Embolism: Comment on the Physician’s Obligation of Transfer |
崔恩寧 | 2023/08 | 月旦醫事法報告 |
5 | 牙根囊腫治療失誤案: 醫療刑事過失行為之因果關係證明難題【學習式判解評析】 A Case about a Failed Treatment for Dentoalveolar Abscess: The Dilemma of Proving Causation in Criminal Medical Negligence |
楊廼軒 | 2023/07 | 月旦醫事法報告 |
6 | 判決快遞【判決快遞】 A Study on the Control of Analogues and the Judicial Review of Drug Act |
吳志正 | 2023/04 | 月旦醫事法報告 |
7 | 治療錯誤與術後治療之訴訟標的【寰宇醫事裁判】 The Subject Matter of Action for the Malpractice and the Post-Operative Treatment |
詹朝欽編譯 | 2022/08 | 月旦醫事法報告 |
8 | 脊椎手術後癱瘓案:限縮手術範圍之責任論斷【學習式判解評析】 Paralysis Following Spinal Surgery: The Liability of Reducing Scope of Surgery Expressly Authorized |
吳志正 | 2022/06 | 月旦醫事法報告 |
9 | 判決快遞【判決快遞】 | 吳志正 | 2022/06 | 月旦醫事法報告 |
10 | 防禦性醫療之行為與法律【本期企劃】 Defensive Medicine and the Law |
簡資修 | 2022/06 | 月旦醫事法報告 |