共有 49 筆符合條件的資料
序號 | 篇名 | 作者 | 日期 | 期刊 |
11 | 判決快遞【判決快遞】 | 吳志正 | 2022/06 | 月旦醫事法報告 |
12 | 防禦性醫療之行為與法律【本期企劃】 Defensive Medicine and the Law |
簡資修 | 2022/06 | 月旦醫事法報告 |
13 | X光片判讀案:論醫師診斷行為之注意義務判斷基準【學習式判解評析】 A Case for X-Ray Reading: On the Basis for judging Physician’s Duty of Care in Diagnostic Behavior |
周迺寬、許峻彬 | 2022/01 | 月旦醫事法報告 |
14 | X光片判讀案:檢查結果告知義務【學習式判解評析】 A Case for X-Ray Reading: Obligation to inform the Examination Results |
侯英泠 | 2022/01 | 月旦醫事法報告 |
15 | 醫療過失侵權訴訟之舉證責任分配【醫事法學教室】 The Burden of Proof in Medical Tort Liability Lawsuits |
吳淑莉 | 2021/02 | 月旦醫事法報告 |
16 | 醫療常規與臨床專業裁量的法院實務觀察【醫法新論】 Observation on the Customary Medical Practice and Professional Clinical Discretion in Judicial Practice: Comments on Supreme Court Criminal Judgement |
甘添貴、翁松崟 | 2020/11 | 月旦醫事法報告 |
17 | 【醫療刑事法】再審無罪案:蒼天啊! 我不認!【學習式判解評析】 Retrial of Guilty: Innocent After Retrial Want the Heaven Knows I'll Never Give Up |
林萍章 | 2020/10 | 月旦醫事法報告 |
18 | 預防性切除手術之刑事責任研究【醫法新論】 Legal Study on the Criminal Responsibility of Operating Prophylactic Ablative Surgery in Taiwan |
洪嘉翎 | 2020/07 | 月旦醫事法報告 |
19 | 【醫療刑事法】肝臟惡性腫瘤切除術後照護案:術後照護刑事過失審查【學習式判解評析】 Case of Post Resection Care for Liver Malignant Tumor: Criminal Negligence Review of Postoperative Care |
周賢章 | 2020/05 | 月旦醫事法報告 |
20 | 【醫療刑事法】子宮外孕誤診案:過失不純正作為犯之認定【學習式判解評析】 Misdiagnosis of Ectopic Pregnancy: Judging the Criminal Offence Committed by Omission Courts and Japanese Courts |
侯弘偉 | 2020/02 | 月旦醫事法報告 |