長期照顧政策發展與服務人力問題【本期企劃】 試閱
The Development of Long-Term Care Policies and the Impact on Manpower Issues
Taiwan will enter the era of aged society in 2018. In association with the aging of population and the growing needs of disability care, to deal with the fast growing of the long-term care needs in the coming future, the development of long-term care service system is an urgent issue in Taiwan. However, sufficient manpower allocations should be the key point to establish a long-term care system. For the purpose to proceeds the system, and ensure the quality of care, Ministry of Health and Welfare has set up the Long-term Care Services Act and promote the “ten-year long-term care program 2.0.” Upon the release of the Longterm Care Services Act and program, the types of long-term care services and ranges of the clients became broader as well as cause a problem with care worker shortages. After all, manpower is still the most important issue to carry out these policies.