家屬拒絕病患插管案:從病人自主權至病人善終權【學習式判解評析】 試閱
Intubation Refusal by Patients' Family: From Autonomy of Patient to Patient's Right to Euthanasia
The autonomy of patients is generally recognized in practice and theory. However, there are many controversies on whether patients have the right of euthanasia, according to which they could choose the way of death of their own will, due to the traditional culture and emphasis on the priority of the tight of life. This essay recognizes that the right to euthanasia can be positively recognized in the light of the principle of human dignity and the right to autonomy, but its application should be subject to the principle of legal reservation and should be expressly regulated by the legislature. Although the case at hand is a dispute on whether the medical treatment is in accordance with medical practice, the court held that if the legal procedure is followed, the patient (and his legal representative) can choose to refuse the invasive intubation treatment in accordance with the right to autonomy, and accordingly there is no responsibility for the medical treatment, which is a substantial demonstration of respect for the patient’s right to euthanasia.