醫師對準父母未充分解釋胎兒可能罹患障礙的責任【寰宇醫事裁判】 試閱
Medical Liability for Insufficient Disclosure to Expectant Parents about the Potential Disability of the Unborn Child
In this case, it is about a physician’s failure to fully explain the possibility of the fetus developing a severe disability. The plaintiff had stated that she would have terminated the pregnancy if she had known beforehand that the fetus might suffer from a serious condition. During her pregnancy, several examinations revealed brain abnormalities in the fetus, but the physician didn´t inform her that these could lead to severe disability. After birth, the child was diagnosed with Aicardi-Goutieres syndrome, resulting in a lifelong severe disability. The plaintiff sought compensation for the damages from the clinic and the physician employed by the clinic, claiming that the latter had failed in his duty of consultation and had prevented her from making an informed decision to terminate the pregnancy. The court found that the physician failed to provide complete and accurate information, and the clinic as the employer was responsible for the plaintiff’s damages. The case also touches on the elements for a lawful termination of pregnancy according to German Criminal Law. Even if the fetus could live by itself, if it places an unbearable burden on the mother to the extent that she cannot lead a normal life, the protection of the fetus’s right to life may have to yield to the protection of the mother’s right to life and personality.